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HK  P-51D Mustang


HK P-51D Mustang 762 mm



HK P-51D Mustang 762 mm

HK P-51D Mustang 762 mm + Airnox P-51D Mustang 425 mm



P-51D Mustang

Military History

The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang was an American long-range single-seat World War II fighter aircraft. Designed and built in just 117 days to a specification issued to NAA by the British Purchasing Commission, the Mustang first flew in Royal Air Force (RAF) service as a fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft before conversion to a bomber escort, employed in raids over Germany, helping ensure Allied air superiority from early 1944. The P-51 was in service with Allied air forces in Europe and also saw limited service against the Japanese in the Pacific War.

At the start of Korean War the Mustang was the United Nations' main fighter but the role was quickly shouldered by jet fighters, including the F-86, after which the Mustang became a specialised ground-attack fighter-bomber. In spite of being superseded by jet fighters the Mustang remained in service with some air forces until the early 1980s.

As well as being economical to produce, the Mustang was a fast, well-made, and highly durable aircraft. The definitive version, the P-51D, was powered by the Packard V-1650, a two-stage two-speed supercharged version of the legendary Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, and was armed with six .50 caliber (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns.

The Foundation's P-51D is painted in the markings of Capt. William T. Whisner's "Moonbeam McSwine". In the fall of 1943 Capt. Whisner joined the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group based in Bodney England. The Fighter group was famously known as "the Blue-nosed Bastards of Bodney". During World War II, Capt. Whisner was credited with 15 1/2 aerial victories, making him a triple Ace. He went on to become an Ace in the Korean War as well, flying the F-86 Sabre. Whisner, by this time a full Colonel, went on to serve two tours as a fighter pilot and Squadron commander in Vietnam. He retired from active duty in 1989 and settled in his home state of Louisiana. On July 21, 1989, Colonel Whisner died from a yellow jacket bee sting while gardening in his back yard.

Read more information on the P-51 Mustang from the free online resource 'Wikipedia'.





P-51D-25-NA - Constr #: 122-31945 - Serial No: 44-12473 (U.S. Army Air Force)

Manufacturer: North American Aviation, Inc.
Model: P-51D-25-NA
Year Built: 1944
Constr # / Plant: 122-31945 / Inglewood, CA
Serial No: 44-12473
N-Number: N51VL
Engines: One
  Packard "Rolls Royce" Merlin V-1650-7 liquid-cooled supercharged V-12
  1,490 hp. / 1,720 hp. at WEP
Length: 32 ft. 3 in.
Height: 12 ft. 2 in.
Wingspan: 37 ft.
Weight: Empty: 7,635 lbs.
  Max Takeoff: 12,100 lbs.
Performance: Range: 2,300 miles
  Range: 1,200 miles - Internal Fuel
  Ceiling: Over 41,900 ft.
  Stall Speed: 100 MPH
  Cruise Speed: 362 MPH
  Max Speed: 437 MPH at 25,000 ft.



In my HK P-51D Mustang 762 mm I use:
 - Spektrum DX7 and AR6110e
- NX8 is not compatible with AR6110e



Lipo 1250 mAh




Spareparts ordered:
- 2 Props a' 4-blades
- 2 x Lipo 1250 mAh, 90x30x20mm, 99 g from

LiPo 1250 mAh, 11,1 V   90x30x20mm, 99 g


LiPo 1250 mAh, 11,1 V   90x30x20mm, 99 g



Motor adjusting


Adjusting Motor's drawing direction

The Motor + Prop released


2 Spacers a' 1,3 mm under the Motormount


Motor assembled with 1,3 mm Spacers


Top sight Motor assembled with 1,3 mm Spacers


Spacers a' 0,9 mm, for Testflight


Spacers 0,9 mm



Spacers 0,9 mm



Spare Props arrived

These can be found by Google with: "TOP01615"





Adding Flaps
- For lower Landing Speed
- For Saving Props from Nosecontact at Grass fields

Flaps separated from the Wing


Flaps at Flying


Flaps at Taking off


Flaps at Landing

Flaps and Elevator are waiting for the Mixing


The Flap-servos are sinked inside the Wing

Hinge-tape is used to fix the Flaps to the Wing


From Backside






Flap-servos are cabled in the same road as the Aileron-servos
Landing Gears are fixed with bigger Washers


Hinge Tape is coloured to silver




2 x Flapservos with 1 sec rounding delay
- Flap-servos turning-angle is 45 deg


In One Flap-servo the rotation is changed to opposite direction:

Servo opened


Resistor cables turning over
(Motor cables loosed)


Motor Cables turned over




Landing Gears


Main Landing gears twisted 20 mm to Frontside

This is for better Rolling at Grassfield, and it works!



Tail Weight


12 grams Tail Weight

 12 grams Tail Weight
- St Plate 0,6 mm

- Fixed with 4 Screws

This was needed for Lipo 1250 mAh, 11.1 V,  90x30x20mm, 99 g / 3,49 oz