My RC-planes


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My RC-planes


SDM Piper Cup J3 950
- 950mm



SDM Piper Cup J3 950 mm


In this picture can be seen small Main Wheels






Ailerons are added by cutting them off from the Wing
- Added 2 Servos downside of the Wing
- Both Aileron have Separate Channel
- This makes it possible to use Ailerons as Flaperons 


Landing Gear and Wheels


Main Gears

The Original Wheels were too small
- I changed them to bigger ones
- Now it rolls fine on the Grassfield

Longer Axles by 3,2 mm Pushrod tube around the Gear-axle:

- The Wheels are fixed by Collars
- The bigger Wheels dia is 45 mm for better Flying at Grassfield


I changed the Maingear and the Wheels from a Sparepart Plane

I made the Maingear stronger with the Struts


The Maingear-truts and new fixingpoints for the Wing-struts.


The Tail Wheel

"Self made man"

Simple construction



The Tail Wheel is made to freely Steerable
- The Moving round is limited by Spring
- The pring is glued to T-Nut's 
- T-Nut is glued to the Tailwheel's rod
- Collar keeps the Tailwheel in it's place




Wingspan: 950mm


TX and RX


I'm fixing to this plane Spektrum system:
- DX7 or NX8Transmitter, which I allready have
- Perhaps Admiral 6 Ch Rx with Gyro


Motor mounting


Motor Mounting had to make a new one

Motor Mounting is made of Wood
- 20 mm thick
- Fixed by 3 Screws
- 1 Screw is in the middle, under the Motor
- 2 Screws are on both Sides, and are Visible in the Picture


The Motor Mounting:
- Is based on the Original FireWall Screw points
- With this the Motor's angle is the same, as with the Original Motor housing




Motor: XXD Brushless Motor 2212 1400kV

ESC: 20A 1200mm Super EZ/Ranger

Battery: 3S 11,1 V 1250 mAh LiPo Battery
- The same as in my HK  P-51D Mustang





Phonix RC-Simulator-model is coming soon here to download